Found 2 blog entries tagged as home owning.

Every owner of condominium properties automatically becomes a member of a homeowners association, otherwise referred to a "HOA." With that membership come certain rights and responsibilities. The primary right that the owner has: to vote at HOA meetings and elect board members. Responsibilities include payment of condo fees and assessments, compliance with association by-laws and rules, and maintaining a condo unit in conformity with those by-laws and rules. Below are various other terms you may hear about from your new HOA.

Declaration of Condominium and By-Laws

The declaration of condominium establishes the existence of a condominium property. It gives the precise location of the property through a legal description and describes each individual…

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Mistakes are made in most home selling. Hopefully we can help by listing the top 5 common mistakes so you can avoid them.

Neglecting Repairs

By refusing the inevitable, you're only hurting the selling process because potential buyers will turn away. If you think you can still slide by with the damage your home has - your buyers will have an inspection, and all the issues will be identified and needed repairs will be suggested. You will have to fix any damage, credit money to the buyer, or drop your price.

Don't Let Ego & Emotions Take Front Seat

It's always hard to part with an anchor where memories were created. The best way to approach the sale of your home is to be completely emotionally detached and to handle the sale like any other…

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